Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 21st - Committee Minutes

As there is little time these days, please forgive us for not having these perfectly typed up with no errors. These are the minutes for the committee meeting on the 21st of December, courtesy of Angela.

Outreach Committee

POC:  Chito at

Initiative to create a joint GA on 1/16/11
      1. 16th is a Monday, suggestion to hold it during day
      2. Including Grants Pass, Ashland, Medford, Klamath Falls and surrounding areas.
      3. Need support, organizers...speakers...networkers
      4. Venue: Alba Park/Library/Hawthorn Park
*Intention of action: Educate people and ourselves of our power when we are unified under one umbrella of we the people, by the people, for the people. A reiteration of the fact we are all fighting the same injustices. We hope to include speeches that propel the average citizen, who may feel powerless, to act locally for social change. We must hold our officials accountable. A reinstatement of the peoples power into the game that we are all slaves to.
If you would like to help in any way with this matter let us know. This will also gather support and notoriety for all occupations who participate. We must all work together to accomplish our common goal.  If you would like to participate, even if its a line of advice or a good contact you may have, it is welcome.

Rules for General Assembly
  1. Copies of rules, update website
  2. Mission statement: Present + hand out new one
  3. proposal to be put through sat
  4. Another facilitator and time limits?
      5. Placing announcements at end?

Are there time limits?
 Time limit on open forum 20 to 30 min, leftover time should be used to meet in committees or go canvassing. We would like to have two facilitators, its more fair and allows the other the have more discussion during GA.  Mission statement to go at beginning of GA, Committee members will write up individual mission statements, combine and come to a consensus during sat GA. 
IDEA:  Come early to GA and help recruit outside before start time. Have person at door to room handing out fliers and contact sheet, inviting them to listen. Possibility of having a mini education video synapse of Occupy Medford at door. 

Canvassing Materials
  1. Present Materials, ie contact sheets and pitch
  2. Set up copies, binder, etc
  3. Practice run + additions
  4. Start date? Mid Jan?
We have created and edited pitches to bring to GA for general approval.   
Possibility of practicing canvass pitch at GA like a role call. When canvassing it would ease peoples minds if we had some sort of identification badge. We will soon hold separate education classes ion canvassing and general navigation tips on

 Education Committee
POC: Nick

Occupation of Empty Building/Home
 A. Research
1. Legal protection
            2. Squatters rights
            3. Location
            4. What measure can families legally take to stay in their home?
            5. Tenet laws and legal aspects of foreclosure data/facts

Adverse possession ( defines and begins to explain squatter’s rights. What are we willing to go through to protect a family from being evicted? Would we risk being arrested? What if we worked with the city on this issue? Is there a chance to get support of bank? May even help our banks look good.  Honestly, if a building has been vacant for any extended amount of time, it seems very natural and healthy to occupy it creating community health and activism. Contact city council if land is owned by city. Check out squatting rights on  Can we get the same scale of people as the port shutdown movement to point out the fact that as homelessness rises so does the foreclosure rate? Drawing people  to the idea of putting homeless families into empty houses. Really though, why aren't, people living in those houses? Why, when we have so many empty homes, are contractors/big companies trying to build more and more low income housing? Occupy Eugene is having a rally and reading of foreclosures, candle lighting and putting signs in lawns bringing awareness to numerable foreclosed homes. We should check out

There are groups going to bank with signs showing which properties that bank has/is foreclosed on. Strong sense of action to occupy closed downtown building. This takes time to organize and people. Approach city council if building is city owned. Contact Pam at peace house for education on rights and police contact during civil disobedience. Know your rights! If you would like to help at all with topics relating to this please send an email to POC above. 

Action Committee
POC:  Angela

City Council Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month
  1. Research council agendas
  2. how to approach city council effectively
  3. Attend acting as support for individuals/businesses
Occupy Caroling

We will continue to hold weekly flash mobs to garner support and awareness of Occupy Medford, Whether  we are indoors or in the streets during community events. W have many more alternative lyrics that will open our (the peoples mind) to the problems we all face. As we unite we 

Proposal to be brought to Sat GA:
   March from Medford to Ashland. Recruit support for movement. Pick up garbage on the way. Stop in small local businesses on the way. Draw attention to positive attributes of our cities. Cleaning/canvassing/ creating community.  This march may also challenge Ashland occupiers to make it to our GA. Fostering stronger bonds of unity.. March to event/GA in Ashland.

    When? Though many of us would like to take immediate action for march, an idea like this takes time and people to organize. Inviting CPJ, Jobs with Justice, Oregon Action etc and general public to attend.

    Support vehicle to follow the 99% on Hwy 9f9! Signs and banners, garbage bags to pick up liter, plastic gloves, OM fliers to pass out, clip boards with sign up sheets for those interested in Occupy Medford, clip boards with sign up sheets for business who want to be on our support local businesses list, formulate list of business at which we will stop at during march for meals etc.

If you would like to join or support the endeavors of action committee please email POC above.

Finance Committee
POC Jeremiah

  • To put money donated to, or raised by, the Occupy Medford Oregon movement into the movement’s bank account (Northwest Community Credit Union)
  • To pay for costs as determined by consensus of the other committees
  • To practice transparency and accountability at all times
  • To raise money


  • Open bank account - DONE
  • Open PO Box - DONE
  • Develop system for distributing money DONE ($50+ requires GA consensus / $20+ requires committee POC consensus)
  • Develop ways to raise money


  • Generate income raising ideas in committee and from GA
  • Create Donate button on website - DONE (WePay)
  • Channel money from WePay into NCCU
  • Add Angela and Jeremiah to NCCU account


  • Request for more than $20.00 must have GA approval - DONE
  • Sell T-shirts, buttons, yard sale, etc
  • Hold concert (fundraiser for Medford Six at Roscoes 1/5)
  • Use Minute Man Press or Pronto Print for copies   

Potential Expenditures

  • Megaphone - @ $50.00 - DONE $57.93
  • Flyers, brochures, signs, armbands, etc.
  • Bulk mail stamp
 If you would like to help with Finance events or ideas please send contact to email above.

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